heading 1b

Meditating on Peace

by Gillian Langdon

The meditation exercise outlined here is in the form of aHeart
dialogue between the meditator and the Divine Mother. It has three parts; each part lasts 5 minutes:


1st part: The meditator invokes the Divine Mother. She describes her situation and asks for help.2nd part: The meditator tries to suspend her flow of thought. She waits serenely, not attempting to guess how the Divine Mother will answer her.3rd part: The Divine Mother responds.
InvocationDivine Mother, help me to choose a standard of peace as I enter this new week.

I feel the pressure of getting everything together for myself and the children.
I feel filled with worries and responsibilities.
Help me to find your peace to guide me and lead me in my day.



My child, I hold your heart in mine.
Wait a moment in my love.
Wait to find my love within you before going forward.
Breathe in my love and my protection, and let this flow through you as you work and as you speak.
Listen to my love as a breath of peace that surrounds you.