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Sampling Simple Thoughts

by Jeffrey Gerstel

They often say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Certainly, in the case of Simple Thoughts That Can Change Your Life, it wouldn't be safe to assume that this book of fewer than 1,500 words has nothing important to teach us. Indeed, this small book contains just over 100 simple thoughts, usually a single sentence, that will give the thoughtful reader much to reflect upon.

The "simple thoughts" are, of course, only simple in that they are the distillation of much human experience and collective wisdom. Like many books of this genre, the wisdom has a familiar sound and falls into several overlapping categories: self-help, healing, humor, and love. The authors, Gerald Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione, liken these thoughts to delicacies, something to be relished in small amounts, acknowledging that too much can actually spoil the appetite.

The authors suggest that what we think and believe are powerful factors in our lives, determining what we see and experience, and that "they create our reality." Many of the simple thoughts point out the limitations and possibilities of our own thoughts:

  • "It is my logical, rational mind that puts limits on what is possible."
  • "It is, ultimately, never anything else but our own thoughts that hurt us."
  • "Relief from all stress comes from healing the attitudes in the mind."
  • "I can choose peace of mind as my only goal each and every day."

These are just a few examples of what you find in this short book, so, as the authors say, "May you have a good appetite and happy reading."