What do Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Merton and Maria Montessori have in common? What are Marie Curie and Martin Luther King, Jr. doing in the same book? How did George Washington Carver happen to have his biography alongside Eleanor Roosevelt's? All of these people and more are found in this book based on a series of walks in San Francisco Bay Area parks where, under the shade of magnificent redwood trees, biographies of great contemplative lives are presented.
The series of hikes, known as Walking with Contemplation, continues to be a valuable tool in learning about meaning in life through the study of great lives. It is also a wonderful time to share the joys of companionship while exercising through walking. Out of this experience came the idea for a book: inspirational biographies to read while walking, to accompany times of introspection, reflection and meditation.
Available from Amazon at www.amazon.com and from Barnes & Noble at www.bn.com.